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听听电梯维保工的自白 道出电梯人的心声!

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听听电梯维保工的自白 道出电梯人的心声!

发布日期:2018-02-08 作者:贵州电梯维修厂家 点击:

听听电梯维保工的自白 道出电梯人的心声!


Listen to the self confession of the elevator maintenance workers and the voice of the elevator people!


The elevator maintenance person of the Guizhou elevator repair manufacturer is also a very "special" doctor. Unlike normal doctors, our patients are not flesh and blood, animals or plants with roots and leaves. In our mind, elevators are our relatives and friends. A lot of time to accompany their parents to accompany the child to walk with no lift a long time, in our hearts no longer cold iron lift, is no longer a line, it is also true to life, like us. He is our brother in arms, sometimes it is like a child, one day we will not see or do not work well; sometimes like a shy girl, not willing to open their hearts to us, do not want to let us thoroughly take it apart, so we will ask, "look. Listen to" the three major skills, we can thoroughly understand it, and guide it to work.


We carry a heavy 30 kilograms backpack every day, which contains all kinds of small toys that guide them to work well, just like a pregnant mother. They eat, sleep, chat, shop and accompany children with them. A lot of friends who don't know our business often play jokes on our backpacks. The most open ones are "the Jiabao" in your family.

我们都会默默一笑,不理会他们。好多同行就是因为这个“24”小时服务的行业,闹得女朋友分手,家庭矛盾 ,有八成的原因是:你上的是个什么破班啊,挣得没有别人多那就算了,可你这每天脏兮兮的,想让你陪我去逛逛街,你还要带着你那个破背包。孩子生病需要人陪,你这接个电话就往外跑,还说什么要30分钟到现场,再不走就赶不上了,这也是为什么我们这一行现在缺人的很大原因之一。

We all laugh in silence and ignore them. A peer is because of this 24 hour service industry, leaving his girlfriend broke up, family conflicts, there are 80% reasons: you is a what kind of class, earn no more than others, even if, you're every dirty, want you to accompany me to go shopping. You have to take your shabby backpack. When children are sick and need to be accompanied by people, you can run away from this phone and tell you what it takes 30 minutes to arrive at the scene, and then you can't catch up if you don't go. That's one of the reasons why our line is short of people now.


But I still can't put it down. When I like to lift the elevator, I feel that the people in our industry basically have two phones or even more. More than eighty percent of the rookies that just touch the elevator can't stand this. My brother's school this year sent an intern Laiqishiduo dry after a week of only thirteen people, the internship period dry enough for three months only two.


Where they do not hold down the main reason is that can not stand the night dream in my mobile phone rang, eating, chatting will subconsciously look at the mobile phone, see if there is any missed calls, customers not to call a day, it feels like home house burned down, the mood is an unsettled state of mind. the font. I worry about most is the elevator is not bad, there is no elevator repair, whenever a fix the elevator when the mood is like the first love feeling promised to do his girlfriend, very excited, this is my occupation although we don't earn much, but also very dirty and tired, but we lift people no regrets, I think to do the occupation, to carefully dry, not as hard to do the best job.






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