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发布日期:2018-02-09 作者:贵州电梯公司 点击:



Do you know why the Tianqiao elevator is stopped? It's just a year of trial.


Guizhou elevator company knows the elevator of the Tianqiao, often stops, the civilian elevator is not convenient! " Yesterday, Liu Boxiang, a reporter from a citizen living in Huajing new town, reported that the vertical sightseeing elevator at the intersection of Huajing new city has been closed for more than 2 months, and the reason for the shutdown is unknown. In this regard, the elevator maintenance unit said that the elevator is not bad, the early shutdown is due to the annual examination, the test results are also qualified, but the official test report is not issued, so it can not be opened. Once reported, it will be open in time, and this time is expected to be this weekend or next week.


Citizen: the elevator has stopped for more than two months


"Stop for more than two months, never see someone to repair, do not know why stop." When Liu Bopa went up the stairs, he had some asthma. "If you buy a dish and climb the stairs, you have to take a rest and get a move in the middle."  According to Liu Bo, he lives in the five phase of Huajing new town, often walking to Wanjia supermarket to buy things, and then go home. Area in more than 10 years, he found the door of the pedestrian bridge is really not satisfactory, "no shelter does not say, a sightseeing elevator and often bad, did not play the actual effect, is a waste."


Mr. Chen, who lived in the spring of a small town, took the baby carriage to the stairs of the overpass. He told reporters that every day he had to look at the elevator after going through it everyday. "Every day he was disappointed and stopped for more than two months. Why did he stop?"


The reporter saw that there is a vertical sightseeing elevator on both sides of the north and south sides of the Tianqiao, which are all in a state of outage.  Through the glass door, you can see the elevator. There is a fence on the south side of the building to remind the neighborhood not to enter. But at the other entrance, there is no guardrail, nor is it posted.


Response: the annual report can not be opened for the time being


Why does the elevator stop? Why is it not open for so long? The reporter contacted the current management unit of the elevator - Guangzhou water engineering company. Guizhou elevator company, according to the relevant person in charge, the shutdown is not an elevator problem, but the elevator is not bad. The early shutdown is due to the annual review.


Originally, according to the deadline to the end of August this year, the elevator inspection should be carried out, which is responsible for the research of special equipment in Guangdong province. According to the relevant schedule at the end of September, the existing staff were tested, the results are qualified.  But at present, the process is still in the process, the formal inspection report, the certificate has not been issued. According to the regulations, the elevator is required to get a formal certificate of annual inspection to run, so it can not be open for the time being.


The person in charge said that he had passed the inspection department ditch last week. The reply is that the report has not yet come out. In the near future, it will continue to strengthen communication with the other side. "Once reported, the elevator will be opened in time, and it will probably be open at the end of this week or next week."




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